Applying the saturator
Before applying the saturator, it is essential to mix it thoroughly to ensure that the product is fluid and homogenous.
Make sure the wood to be treated is completely dry. Using a brush, apply the liquid to the surface of the decking, stretching it out strip by strip.
Depending on the type of saturator you choose, the method and drying time may vary.
Oil-based saturators can be applied wet-on-wet if the first coat has not had time to dry.
Water-based saturants can be applied wet-on-wet or wet-on-dry. The latter often tend to dry much more quickly.
For these types of products, the drying time is often between 2 and 8 hours.
As a general rule, however, the drying time between 2 coats of saturator should not exceed 24 hours.
The idea is above all to avoid dust or rain settling between 2 coats. This could have a considerable impact on the finish.
Furthermore, if you notice that the surface is already saturated after the first coat, there's no point in applying for a second, as the product will no longer penetrate.